EMV Guide


Effective October 1, 2017, you as an ATM owner are subject to the risk of liability associated with counterfeit fraudulent transactions perpetuated with EMV compliant cards if your ATM is not EMV compliant. Please note that the cash settlement bank account associated to your terminal will be debited for any counterfeit fraudulent transactions perpetuated with EMV compliant cards.


How to tell if your ATM has the EMV chip card reader or not?

There are 2 ways to tell.

1.  By Physically inspecting the ATM - See pictures below.  OR

2.  By Logging in to the ATM as you normally with Enter, Clear, Cancel , 1,2,3 and use Passcode : 373737 Instead - See instructions below.


Log in Method:

  • Log in to your ATM like you normally do with ENTER, CLEAR, CANCEL, 1,2,3.
  • USE PASSWORD #  373737
  • Select the following menus:
  • If you cannot see these menus then you are NOT EMV ready and will immediately need an EMV upgrade.          
  • The Deadline has past! You are liable for all fraudulent card use on your ATM.  CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW!!  
  • Or Call for Phone Help NOW at:  1-678-444-4286 – Option 1


Physical Inspection Method:

Open top door and look at the Card Reader!

Hyosung ATMs

Back of Card Reader

NOT EMV – Note the Type MCR

Back of Card Reader

EMV – Note the Plastic Cover




Genmega / Hantle ATMs  

Back of Card Reader

NOT EMV – Note it says MCR

Back of Card Reader

EMV – Note it says KYT in Red Color




Software Requirements

Hyosung:  1800SE / HALO / NH2700CE


Hyousung :  1800SE / HALO series / NH2700CE ATMs

See picture above and view the AP version on the corner of the screen.

EMV latest software:     AP V06.01.29. 

If it is below a software update is required.


Hyousung :  1800CE ATMs

Go to Reports and S/W Version and view the AP version on the screen.

EMV latest software:     OS is V01.04.07 with AP V04.01.29

If it is below a software update is required.


Genmega / Hantle ATMs

Go to Reports and S/W Version and view the AP version on the screen.

EMV latest software:     Application version is V05.00.29

If it is below a software update is required.


Hyosung - NH1500 - Mini Bank

The popular Mini bank unit below will also need an EMV upgrade.  Please book your kit today to avoid the rush and back orders.  Order Here!